
Jan. 6, 2021

Office Talk: Growth Update - E25

Office Talk: Growth Update - E25 The office has been crazy the past few weeks. We are going live with our new practice management software, seeing our myopia management patients for their 3 month follow-ups, fitting scleral lenses, and training on …

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Jan. 4, 2021

Cold Start: Find a Mentor! - E25

Cold Start: Find a Mentor! - E25 Simply put, when you start an office, you are not reinventing the wheel. There have been many that have come before you and there will be many that come after you. That being said, the answers to your questions (whi…

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Dec. 31, 2020

3 Ways To Stay Motivated in 2021 - E25

3 Ways To Stay Motivated in 2021 - E25 I figure the new year is as good a time as any to discuss motivation. Think about new year's resolutions and you will see what a lack of motivation will get you. Speaking of resolutions, how many of you set a …

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Dec. 23, 2020

Office Talk: Scleral Lenses - E23

Office Talk: Scleral Lenses - E23 The topic of the day is scleral lenses! I am having a blast learning the nuances and intricacies of all the scleral lenses on the market. I have fit 5 patients in the Custom Stable Elite by Valley Contax. The fits …

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Dec. 21, 2020

Cold Start: Set Up Your Practice To Have The Ability To Run Without You - E23

Cold Start: Set Up Your Practice To Have The Ability To Run Without You - E23 When you start a practice cold, you are not going to be over run with patients at the beginning. As a result, a lot of the day to day questions are going to run directly …

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Dec. 18, 2020

Closing Thought of the Week: Loss Aversion - E22

Closing Thought of the Week: Loss Aversion - E22 As we end the week, I wanted to introduce the principle of loss aversion. Loss aversion is a term taken from behavioral economics that says we spend more energy trying to avoid loss than trying to ma…

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Dec. 17, 2020

How to Make "Consistency" Increase Your Profitability - E23

How to Make "Consistency" Increase Your Profitability - E23 Something New or Something Familiar Think about the last vacation you took. When you got to the location where did you go out to eat? You wanted the local food or restaurants that you can…

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Dec. 16, 2020

Office Talk: Trailblazing vs. Time Tested - E22

Office Talk: Trailblazing vs. Time Tested - E22 I am realizing the difference between being a startup/trailblazer vs the old reliable time tested product on the block. Myopia management is worthwhile, backed by science, and in 10 years will become …

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Dec. 14, 2020

Cold Start: Let's Talk About the Toys - E22

Cold Start: Let's Talk About the Toys - E22 You know hot it is in optometry school. You are in clinic and have access to any test you want. Whether or not the patient can pay is an afterthought and the clinic has all the coolest new toys and latest…

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Dec. 11, 2020

Closing Thought of the Week: The Time to Invest is NOW! - E21

Closing Thought of the Week: The Time to Invest is NOW! - E21 A lesson that every financial advisor will try to teach you is that the best time to invest was yesterday and the second best time is TODAY. I tend to agree with them, but think that we …

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