Sept. 4, 2020

Closing Thought of the Week: Greatness Out of the Chaos - E7

Closing Thought of the Week: Greatness Out of the Chaos - E7

Closing Thought of the Week: Greatness Out of the Chaos - E7

2020 has been crazy. Do you ever sit back and think we are in the most bizarre times ever? That there is no way to grow or try anything new because we lack so much control? I do not blame you; but honestly, I do not agree. Yes, this is by far the craziest time of my life, but if you look back in history, there have been world wars and other pandemics and you know what? Greatness has come out of the chaos. New businesses, new inventions, and creativity do not stop in the chaos. 

It may be harder, and honestly, even in the good times, what did we REALLY control? I only say this to inspire you. In 5-10 years we will look back at this chaos and say company or doctor XYZ planted their seeds of greatness in the middle of a pandemic! That must have taken so much luck, courage, whatever you want to say it was, but someone is making it happen right now. Why not you? Make it happen, be great, and take a chance today. It does not have to be work related, but if nothing else, know time is precious and tomorrow is not promised. Do not wait to do what you want to do.

Have a great weekend my friends!

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