Aug. 14, 2020

Closing Thought of the Week: Are You Living in the Grey? - E4

Closing Thought of the Week: Are You Living in the Grey? - E4

Closing Thought of the Week: Are You Living in the Grey? - E4

Let's be honest, we are all clinicians and we have gotten to the point where we are at by studying textbooks and research articles and passing tests. In our worlds, a + b = c. We like textbook, cookie cutter answers. Now let me ask you this... Are you the same person inside the exam room as you are outside of it? The answer better be “No”! Outside of the exam room you better be a business owner and operate your office like you have customers, not patients. There is a huge difference and the customer is always right.

I feel too many doctors, out of convenience or due to our analytical natures, get caught up in procedure and policy when dealing with “customers”. A warranty is not extended or a change in frames is not allowed because that's what our policies are. Now I am not saying eliminate all policies, just make sure you see the grey area and take care of your customers. If they have been loyal and coming to you for years, make an exception and maintain the good will. Do not lose a lifetime of business over trivial issues. Be a business owner and learn to live in the grey, at least outside the exam room.

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