Outside the Box - Social Jazz Interview Welcome to new bonus episodes we are launching with a segment called "Outside the Box"! There is a wealth of knowledge to be gained from other businesses/industries that can be applied ...
CEO Series: Evaluating Your BHAG/Vivd Vision - E102 Highlights from this episode: CEO Series: Evaluating Your BHAG/Vivd Vision (2:31) Office Talk: Slower Weeks, Seasonal Businesses (17:22) In today's episode, we are starting ...
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - The Danger of "Good" and "Gratitude" In this week's nugget it's all about not letting "good" and "gratitude" for where you're at keep you from continuing to improve and make things even better. Enjoy! J...
Listener Q&A - E101 Highlights from this episode: Listener Q&A (1:53) Office Talk: Hiring & Interviewing from the applicant's POV (21:00) In today's episode, we have taken a bunch of listener questions and given you all the a...
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - The Power of Choice In this week's nugget it's all about the power of choice... your patients', your vendors, and yours. Life is too short to work with people you don't like. This road also goes …
Make Managed Care Work For You - E100 Highlights from this episode: Make Managed Care Work For You (1:56) Office Talk: Office Meeting & Highlight Board (13:07) Managed care is a much talked about battle we fight in our practi...
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - Hiring In this week's nugget it's all about Hiring! This can be one of the worst parts of being a business owner unfortunately but you can use it to your advantage and build a bigger, better …
4 Reasons to Choose YOU! - E99 Highlights from this episode: 4 Reasons to Choose YOU! (2:00) Office Talk: Hiring a Doc & Networking (15:08) When you are venturing into a new niche, practice, etc. there are a few things …
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - Efficiency vs. Volume In this week's nugget it's all about what kind of practice you are going to have. Are you going to go for an efficient practice and see fewer people but have lower overhead? …
4 Ways to Make Your Business Successful - E98 Highlights from this episode: 4 Ways to Make Your Business Successful (1:58) Office Talk: Hiring Saga (21:10) The scary part about starting a business, a niche, etc. is you don't ...
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - The #1 Skill of A Successful Optometrist In this week's nugget it's all about what makes an Optometrist successful. What is their secret ingredient that makes it happen for them? We have the answer. Enj...
Outside the Box - Social Jazz Interview Welcome to new bonus episodes we are launching with a segment called "Outside the Box"! There is a wealth of knowledge to be gained from other businesses/industries that can be applied ...
Marriage Wisdom Applied To Your Practice - E97 Highlights from this episode: Marriage Wisdom for Your Practice (1:43) Office Talk: Hiring & Patient Stories (13:03) It's wedding season! With marriage advice being given like cr...
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - Why You? In this week's nugget it's all about why patients should choose you. What do you bring to the table that makes you special? Would you drive 45 minutes to experience an exam at your …
Creating a Niche in Your Practice - E96 Highlights from this episode: Creating a Niche in Your Practice (00:37) Office Talk: Patient of many offices & Hiring (12:01) The Riches are in the Niches! We've all heard this saying r...
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - Comparison is the Thief of Joy In this week's nugget it's all about how to keep your joy. Comparison is the quickest way to start losing perspective and let unhappiness and unfulfillment take hold. Don'...
Lessons from Costco - E95 Highlights from this episode: Lessons from Costco (00:47) Office Talk: CEO Mindset in my practice (18:36) If you are lucky enough to have a Costco nearby (or have listened to this podcast for any amo...
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - KISS In this week's nugget it's all about how easy you make your life. My advice? Keep it simple stupid. Enjoy! Join in the fun and subscribe to the podcast to keep up with all the …
Three Perks of Private Practice - E94 Highlights from this episode: Three Perks of Private Practice (00:43) Office Talk: Mental health & reviews (17:37) In today's episode, we are talking about some perks of being in private ...
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - Choosing the Right Candidates In this week's nugget it's all about setting yourself up for success and picking the right people. Enjoy! Join in the fun and subscribe to the podcast to keep up with all …
4 Small Changes with Big ROI - E93 Highlights from this episode: 4 Small Changes with BIG ROI (00:44) Office Talk: Addressing problems & Being the squeaky wheel (14:27) There are lots of "big" changes you could make in your …
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - Make the Move
The Power of the Mind - E92 Highlights from this episode: The Power of Mindset (00:36) Office Talk: How to compete with corporate optical (15:28) Now that we are done with the CEO Mindset series, it's on to how powerful …
Ultimate O.D. Nugget - One Bad Apple Welcome back to our Ultimate O.D. Nuggets! These are quick mini-episodes where we bring you a valuable pearl that you can use to start your week out right. In this week's nugget it's …