Optometry in the News: Review of “How to Create a DED Clinic” by Damon Dierker Optometric Management: How to create a DED Clinic by Damon Dierker This article was well written, it had a ton of great insight, and I believe it translates…
Dr. Lillie's Closing Thought This week one of my staff members (a great girl who I hired about 7 months ago, just graduated with her degree in biology) approached me and said she had a crazy dream that she decided to go to Optometry school. I was p…
4 Ways to Enhance Your Patients' Experience At the end of the day, the Doctor, the office, everything we have learned and done, does not matter if you do not have patients in the chair. You have to find a way to compete with all the noise and make …
Myopia Management Journey - E2 Before I get into my personal journey with myopia management, I wanted to put this thought out into the ethers of existence. Myopia management is a hot topic and there is a plethora of information and resources out th…
Otometry In The News - E2 This month's Review of Optometry was the 11th annual retina report. Now this is just my opinion this is about as exciting as a ham sandwich at a steakhouse. The closer we get to the brain and neural function, the less we c…
This Week's Closing Thought Let me say it right upfront: YOU ARE NOT A NUMBER! Did you read that? Does it register with you? It better because, as a whole, students and doctors are absolute idiots. I say this all the while knowing I am guilty as w…
4 Things Steve Jobs Can Teach You About Being an Optometrist - E2 Here we are again my friends! I just finished the Steve Jobs biography by Walter Issacson and it was an amazing read from which I will give you 4 things Steve Jobs taught me about Op…
Myopia Management Journey This is going to be fun. So in order for you to know where I am going, you have to know where I have been, thus we must hop into our proverbial delorian’s, go back in time, and let me take you down memory lane. In 2…
My Review of Clinical Perspectives on Patient Care, 24th edition Ok to start, I just have to get this off my chest, the first article annoys the crap out of me. “Warning: Major Changes Coming to Optometry… routine exams and dispensary …
The 3 things you should have taken from lockdown Ok, let me be honest. I am sick of COVID, sick of all the posts, and sick of trying to function with glasses and a mask on! I know we all are, so bear with me and know this is not so much a COVID pos…