July 31, 2020

This Week's Closing Thought - E2

This Week's Closing Thought - E2

Dr. Lillie's Closing Thought

This week one of my staff members (a great girl who I hired about 7 months ago, just graduated with her degree in biology) approached me and said she had a crazy dream that she decided to go to Optometry school. I was pumped! I was like “You should do it! It is an amazing profession and the experience you are gaining from working here will pay dividends in the application and actual education process”. Needless to say, the plan is for her to do some research, take 2 prerequisite classes and hopefully apply next year!

Do you remember being 22 and having the world ahead of you? Think about all the big dreams you had and everything you were going to accomplish in the profession and in life. Where are you today? Has the dream taken a back seat to responsibilities of marriage, kids, etc? I just want to say time is still on our side. If we have breaths to take, we can still take our shots to do something big in this profession or whatever your goals are in life. Do not forget about YOU. Still do what needs to be done in regards to your spouse, kids, whatever responsibilities you may have, but you can also do YOU. Remember that 22 year old self that had nothing but time and possibilities ahead, and make them proud of what you are still chasing today!