Dec. 23, 2020

Office Talk: Scleral Lenses - E23

Office Talk: Scleral Lenses - E23

Office Talk: Scleral Lenses - E23

The topic of the day is scleral lenses! I am having a blast learning the nuances and intricacies of all the scleral lenses on the market. I have fit 5 patients in the Custom Stable Elite by Valley Contax. The fits have gone well and the dispensing appointments will be next week. I will keep you updated.

I have begun exploring the Zen lens and Blanchards OneFit Med. I will relay those experiences as they play out. The one thing I will say is that Valley and the CLIP program has been by far the most useful resource and experience I have had on this journey. The one on one attention and ability to reach out to a fellow doctor with questions is priceless. I recommend it for anyone trying to start a specialty lens niche.

In addition, I had a presentation of the eaglet profilometer. It was pretty intense and would be cool to have, but 2 of my colleagues who fit sclerals on a regular basis tell me it is unnecessary. For 25k, I tend to agree it is not necessary at this time. 

That's all I have, check in next week!

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