Dec. 9, 2020

Office Talk: Growing in the Slow Times - E21

Office Talk: Growing in the Slow Times - E21

Office Talk: Growing in the Slow Times - E21

In Michigan we are on a 3 week “pause”, yet we are allowed to be open and provide care. When we had the initial lockdown in March, I was so distracted that the millions of things I had to work on got set aside. This time, knowing that nothing is promised, I am still quite certain that regardless of the duration of the shutdown, we are a needed entity in any community. As a result, I am attempting to push forth in growing my practice. Valley Contax has a hands on approach to helping doctors incorporate scleral lenses into their practice. I am all ears on this, have 3 patients lined up and will let you know how this process goes.

That being said, I think NOW is a good time for you to get the lay of the land and figure out where you want to grow in 2021. Do not be complacent or scared. Find a way to push forward and get better daily. In 3 years we can look back and see these days as turning points in creating the practice of your dreams.

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