Myopia Management Journey - E9
It was a great week. I had 2 myopia management consultations and 3 Ortho-k consults. I have 3 myopia management consultations this week. Considering I am about a month in and going live with everything, I am content with my current progress. As I told my lawyer, I am currently in the proof of concept phase, so nothing is in stone and I will adapt and adjust as more data comes in. Overall though, parents are interested and willing to have the conversation. It is up to me to make sure they see the value and importance of moving forward with therapy.
Areas of improvement
I am going to have more studies accessible for parents that show the safety of all 3 treatments. They definitely believe me, but like any parent, they want to do their own research. I am not going to breakdown the actual studies, I will merely offer the white papers as reference and they can read into them if they desire. Additionally, I was big on saying this is new and the latest cutting edge technology available. That is true and important, but I have to remember that although advancing beyond what we have seen in the past, It has been done since the early 2000’s and in Europe and Asia for years. Parents want that comfort as well.
I also plan on making more short YouTube videos that patients can access and reference going forward. What is the saying, it takes 3 or 5 times of exposure before it sinks in and people will make a choice? Well the more information I get out there, the quicker we can get therapy started and improve their kids lives!
No time to wait, got to get started.
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