Dec. 7, 2020

Cold Start: Throwback to Pre-Optometry Me - E21

Cold Start: Throwback to Pre-Optometry Me - E21

Cold Start: Throwback to Pre-Optometry Me - E21

I met with a pre-optometry student last week and it was amazing how cyclical life can be. You remember those days. You wanted to be an eye doctor so bad and had a million questions of how to do it and wondering if you had what it takes to a doctor.  There were 3 takeaways from that conversation I wanted to share with you.


    1. Uncertainty and Unknown are never going away.  Whether we are trying to get into Optometry school, starting a practice, or growing our families, there are always things we will wonder about. I think it's good to remember that like those undergraduate days, we will be fine. There is no sense in worrying about a million things that will never happen. Be confident and have faith that you will figure it, most of your worries will never come to fruition, and the ones that do will not be as bad as you have imagined.
    2. What is our why? It is always good to be reminded why we got into this profession. Whether it is a love for science, a passion to help people, or the challenge of running a business, you have to remember your why. So many pre-optometry kids would love to have your “bad” days or a chance to do what you do on a daily basis. Think back to those early days and let your batteries be recharged. We have an amazing profession and can do so much good. Sometimes it does not hurt to be reminded of that fact!
    3. How will they know all I did?....TELL THEM! The student invariably asked what he should do for extracurriculars and how will the admissions committees ever know all that he has done. I smiled and simply said, you are going to tell them. Do not forget that when you start a practice or offer a new service, people need to hear from you about these things. You do not need to be braggadocious, but merely informative and networking at all times. Let people know what you have to offer because no one else is going to. Remember: the squeaky wheel gets the oil! Be the squeaky wheel.


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