Oct. 19, 2020

Cold Start: Don't Re-invent the Wheel - E14

Cold Start: Don't Re-invent the Wheel - E14

Cold Start: Don't Re-invent the Wheel - E14

Let me make this simple, do not reinvent the wheel here. The information you need to run an office is right in front of your eyes. All your business, work, and your personal customer experiences are giving you the blueprint to run a successful office. 

If you have a good experience or get positive feedback from patients regardless of where you work, write it down, and make sure you do that at your office. On that same note, you will be privy to all the bad things a corporate office or larger office you work at does. This is priceless information, take it to heart, and make sure you come up with a solution to fix the problem or problems you are seeing. 

The last thing I will leave you with is do research. Call other offices and pretend to be a patient, ask them their fees and hours. If you are incredibly bold, get an exam there and see what they are doing, what brands they have. I never miss an opportunity to stop in another optical when I am traveling. What are they doing, how do I feel when I walk in, what are they marketing. Also, make sure to get as much information as you can from reps. They love to talk and try to stay on your good side. Other offices will give them all their secrets and in order to build favor with you, these secrets invariably come out when you ask, so make sure to ask!

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