Closing Thought of the Week: Money for Time - E17
There were 2 statements I heard this week that resonated with me. 1. You will stop caring what people think of you when you realize how little they do. 2. We give up time to make money when we should be giving up money to get more time.
When I heard those two statements, I reflected back to my early days of dating my now wife. We had quite the courtship and I proposed in 7 weeks and was married within 7 months. Now you may think that this whirlwind pace would be cause for concern with her parents, but they surprisingly supported the craziness. They were, however, incredibly strict on their daughters' dating behaviors. I am talking grade school protocol and things you would not expect people in their mid to late 20’s to abide by. This was definitely a point of contention with me and I spent hours, days, weeks preparing myself for the confrontation that was going to occur once I married their daughter. I was not going to follow their archaic rules and we were going to live our lives independently.
Well we got married and guess what, they pulled back and let us do what we wanted. No confrontation necessary. Now I bring this up because the most valuable resource we have is our time. How are we spending it? What irrational fears are you preparing for that are never going to happen? I am not saying to run your practice frivolously, make poor financial decisions, or spend money to spend money. I am saying that every ounce of effort and energy you have needs to be focused on things that matter. You are the only person that knows what truly matters to you, so choose wisely my friends.
Have a great weekend!
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