Sept. 18, 2020

Closing Thought of the Week: Know Your Why - E9

Closing Thought of the Week: Know Your Why - E9

Closing Thought of the Week: Know Your Why - E9

Nothing worthwhile is easy or given to you. Invariably it takes time, effort, energy, and a lot of luck, so knowing if you are all in or not early in the process is a must. I like to say “Know the Monster you have to become, to get what you want”. Now “monster” is probably a relic from my athletic days, but the point is, are you willing to do what it takes to get where you say you want to go? You may have to miss a few family dinners, weddings, not buy that house or car you see your friends getting, you know sacrifice and delay gratification. All with a real possibility you may FAIL. Still ready to go after it? If not, there is no shame, but you will save yourself a great deal of stress, money, and time by seeing this before you get started. We are dumb creatures and will try to salvage the unsalvageable just because we started it. Know your why and make sure you are ready to make the leap when the opportunity arises.

Have a great weekend! 

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