Ego, Mastery, & Embarrassment | E176

00:00 - Intro
00:39 - Run Down: Ego, Mastery, & Embarrassment
18:54 - Office Talk: Master mind for managers, dry eye referral, & common ground
25:58 - Closing Thought: "I have to be great so I don't feel worthless"

In this episode we are talking about ego vs. mastery and how embarrassment is the silent killer. You must figure out what drives you to succeed... is it ego or is it the desire to master something? In that same vein, what is your reaction when you fail (which you inevitably will do)? The most likely answer is embarrassment. Don't let this feeling stop you from pursing mastery!

In this week's office talk we are talking about an amazing opportunity my managers had this past week in a mastermind and how that completely changed their perspective of our office and validated all their hard work. We also received an amazing referral for dry eye and made a great connection with another like-minded doctor.

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