4 Ways To Motivate Your Staff in the First Quarter - E30
Highlights from this episode:
4 Ways To Motivate Your Staff in the First Quarter (00:54)
Cold Start: Keeping the Troops Happy (09:58)
Office Talk: Staff Management & Scleral Update (16:20)
We all know the feeling of coming out of the holiday season in December with time off and staring down the barrel of MONTHS with no days off in sight. Today we give you 4 ways to keep your staff motivated through the busiest and the dreariest quarter of the year. (00:54)
Bringing back the cold start segment in this episode! One of the big parts of being a good leader is keeping your troops happy. You don't have happy troops, you don't have a happy office and that's not good for anyone. (09:58)
In office talk today, we have handling staff work-life balance with kids as well as a scleral lens update. Stay tuned! (16:20)
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