4 Simple Strategies for Growth - E44
Highlights from this episode:
4 Simple Strategies for Growth (00:45)
Office Talk: Cold Start Practice Updates & Scleral Progress (:)
If I were to ask you if you wanted to grow your practice, I'm sure the answer would be a resounding "YES"! The question then becomes, "how?". It's easy to have paralysis by analysis at that point if you don't have a clear vision or actionable steps to actually grow specific areas of your practice. That is what this run down is all about, my friends! Identify where you could use the most growth, use these strategies, and get after it! (00:45)
As I have mentioned in previous episodes, I am starting another practice! I'm in the beginning stages of this cold start with designing, getting quotes for the build-out, etc. It's interesting to see what has changed since I last did this 10 years ago. There are things that have popped up that instead of being deterrents, I am actually appreciating because it's a barrier to entry that would cause most docs to call it quits. Listen in and join me on this exciting journey! (15:02)
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